AGM 23RD FEB 2019
Lock Lane Day Centre - Saturday 2rd February 2019
1. President Mr John Cooke will open the meeting
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of the 2018 Annual General Meeting
4. Matters Arising
5. Chairman’s Remarks (P Smith)
6. Transfer of President’s Chain of Office
(John Cooke to I Heptinstall)
7. Reports
7.1 Membership (Chris Cooke)
7.2 Auditor’s Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2018
7.3 Club Show Secretary (John Cooke)
7.4 Patronage Secretary (Chris Cooke)
7.5 Editor – Budgie Bits (Sue Smith)
7.6 Publicity Officer (Sue Smith)
7.7 Social Secretary (Pete Smith)
7.8 BS Delegate Report (Ronnie Simpson)
7.9 Website report (D Critchlow)
8. Rule Changes
9. Confirmation of Officials for 2018/2019
President: I Heptinstall
Vice President: K Brockwell
Junior Vice President: Proposed D Critchlow
Chairman: P Smith
Vice Chairman: R M Simpson
Secretary/Treasurer: Mrs C Cooke
Assistant Secretary: J S Cooke
Mrs S Smith will take the minutes if both the Secretary and Assistant Secretary are absent
10. Golden Bird
J Bker
Proposed D Critchlow seconded
11. Appointment of Auditors
12. Any Other Business